“But How are Shadows to be Seen When Total Darkness Fills the Screen?”

(Antifa Banner)

Medium: Fabric, felt, thread and embroidery
Dimensions: 45 x 38 Inches
Body Of Work: Protest Signs
Site Specific Installation: The Politics Of Healing: DESTROYING SILENCE
Year: 2019


SPRING/BREAK Art Show // ELEKTRA KB: THE POLITICS OF HEALING, DESTROYING SILENCE (Site specific installation) / New York City / March 5-11, 2019

“Oct. 27, 2018 - PITTSBURGH — Armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and at least three handguns, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning, killing at least 11 congregants...”

Photos from a New York march called by MUJU: Muslim and Jewish Antifascists///News photo source( Alexandra Wimley/Post-Gazette)

︎ ELEKTRA KB  | ︎ kb.elektra@gmail.com | ︎ elektrakb.com︎ @elektrakb