Cíborg Commune - Performance I
Performance / Opening: ‘Who Will Write the History of Tears. Artists On Women’s Rights’
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland
*(Sound collab with Nico Roxe)
Medium: Sound, Video, modular synthesizers, cathara uniforms, laptop, vocals
Link: https://artmuseum.pl/pl/wydarzenia/otwarcie-wystawy-kto-napisze-historie-lez-ciborg-commune
Medium: Sound, Video, modular synthesizers, cathara uniforms, laptop, vocals
Link: https://artmuseum.pl/pl/wydarzenia/otwarcie-wystawy-kto-napisze-historie-lez-ciborg-commune
Special 40 minutes performance for the opening ceremony of the ‘Who Will Write the History of Tears. Artists On Women’s Rights’ exhibition, at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.